Dedicated to the climate solution

AACo, holding almost 1% of Australia's landscape, is deeply committed to environmental stewardship. Learn how their focus on animal welfare and innovative strategies aim to reduce methane emissions and enhance carbon sequestration, driving significant climate action across their operations.



As owners of almost 1% of the Australian landscape, AACo takes their responsibility as custodians of the land very seriously.

So seriously, in fact, they have a dedicated role responsible for ensuring their properties are mitigating their impact on climate. Meet Naomi Wilson, Head of Environment and Sustainability for AACo, who is passionate about AACo being part of the climate solution.


Animal welfare is vital

The culture at AACo prioritises the health and welfare of every animal in their care.

They're passionate about nurturing the wellbeing of their animals by providing the right environment, adequate nutrition and a sufficient supply of clean water. From the day they start at AACo, all staff are taught to manage the animals calmly and respectfully.


Taking action on climate


“Today is a day to make a difference.”


With their commitment to taking real action in relation to their impact on climate, AACo are looking at the bigger carbon picture to build a much better understanding of how that carbon flows through the landscape. Armed with that knowledge they will target changes in management and developments to increase carbon balance their emissions and create a healthier environment.










Our goal is drive down emissions

A key priority for AACo is to drive down the methane emissions generated by their cattle. How can they do this? By investigation the opportunities available to them that will help them achieve their emissions reduction goal. Opportunities such as investing in feed supplements that have the ability to decrease the amount of methane burped by a cow!